A supermarket in Austria, located in Krems an der Donau, was forced to close its doors after a venomous Brazilian wandering spider was discovered among the bananas.

The Penny market, situated west of Vienna, took precautionary measures and sealed the banana crates, but the spider remains elusive.

This type of spider’s venom is known to induce prolonged and painful erections, along with other symptoms like high blood pressure and overall discomfort.

The incident sparked concerns due to the potential effects of the spider’s bite. Dr. Romulo Leite of the Medical College of Georgia, who has studied the spider, explained that the erection is an unavoidable side effect of being stung by the spider.

However, researchers are investigating whether the venom could lead to the development of new treatments for erectile dysfunction.

This isn’t the first time this venomous spider has made its way to Europe. In 2017, a similar incident occurred in the UK when numerous spiders were found in purchased bananas from a supermarket.
