If there's one thing Christian Grey is good at, aside from the obvious reasons, like overseeing a multi-million dollar company and making us all swoon, it's that the man can wear suit well. Really well. And we owe it all to the Fifty Shades of Grey costume designer Mark Bridges (and Jamie Dornan's physique, of course) for bringing that vision to the big screen.

Bridges took it upon himself to design all the suits, having them tailored to Dornan's measurements. "Christian is a millionaire," Bridges explains to InStyle on the decision to custom-make Dornan's costumes, "and someone like him would have a personal tailor." Crafted from light Italian wool, each suit boasts a modern body-conscious (read: sexy) silhouette with a slim cut that "hopefully, women will find attractive and men will want to emulate." But other than making Dornan look incredibly dashing, the suits actually play a much bigger, albeit subtle, role.

"The goal was to outwardly give examples of how [Christian] is changing, softening, and becoming a 'real' person," Bridges says. "I don't think it's terribly obvious, but hopefully it's there and you feel it. It's an exterior shell to what's going on emotionally."

How does he do that exactly? With color.

His Gray Suits

Chuck Zlotnick/ Focus Features/courtesy Everett Collection

"Gray is in the title of the movie, so we had to start with gray. I tried to mix things up with textures, patterns, and shades of gray. Christian is very forbidding in the beginning, but as the story progresses, he becomes a regular guy, or well, the closest thing to a regular guy."

His Navy Suit


"I put him in this rich navy suit. Blue is still cold, but it isn't as chilling as gray. It's shortly after he says to Anastasia, 'You're changing me,' is when we see him in something other than gray."

His Brown Suit


"One of my favorite looks is of him in this dark beautiful brown. This is when he introduces Anastasia to his mother. She's in this pretty peach dress and he's in a dark beautiful brown. It's warming, and it signifies he's changing."

His Distressed Jeans (okay, not a suit, but an important look nonetheless)


"Christian's jeans were written about in the book, and it was something that was expected to be in the movie. Erika (the author) weighed in on what the color should be, the fit, and where it should sit. We found them in Vancouver where we were shooting and distressed them a little more."
