Congratulations are in order for Meghan Trainor and her husband, Daryl Sabara. On Tuesday, the parents shared that they had officially welcomed their second child, Barry Bruce Trainor, on July 1 — which also doubled as the 7-year anniversary of the couple’s first date — via Instagram photo dump. The newborn baby boy will soon join the pair’s 2-year-old son Riley at home.
“On July 1st (our 7 year anniversary of our first date) we welcomed Barry Bruce Trainor into the world 🐻💙,” the singer captioned a dump of photos from her family’s time at the hospital. “He was a big boy at 8lbs 7oz...and sideways (transverse), but we had an amazing, successful c-section, and I finally got my skin to skin time!”
She continued, “Thank you to all of the incredible doctors and nurses who took such great care of us❤️”
Naturally, plenty of pals from the couple’s star-studded inner circle were sure to share their excitement for Meghan and Daryl in the post’s comments, with Paris Hilton writing, “😭 Congratulations sis! So happy for you!🥰😍,” and Mandy Moore adding, “Go Mama!! And welcome to the party, Barry!! What a lucky dude!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️”
While the pair’s oldest son was absent from the dump, Sabara recently told People that Riley was “so ready to have a permanent friend” when talking about Barry’s impending arrival back in June.
“He definitely loves pointing to Meghan's stomach and saying 'baby' and kissing her belly,” he told the publication at the time. “So it's definitely a lot cuter than we ever thought.”